Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Indian Tribes and Languages of the Amazon

Indian Tribes and Languages of the Amazon

Amazonian Culture Area
This is an index to the Native American language and cultural information on our website pertaining to Amazonian Indian tribes. Some pages contain more information than others. If you belong to an indigenous Amazon tribe of South America that is not currently listed on this page and you would like to see it here, please contact us about contributing information to our site.

Tribes of the Amazonian Culture Group

*Achuar-Shiwiar Tribe
*Aguaruna Tribe
*Akawaio Tribe
*Akuriyo Tribe
*Amahuaca Tribe
*Amarakaeri Tribe
*Amuesha Tribe
*Andoa Tribe
*Apalai Tribe
*Arabela Tribe
*Arara do Para Tribe
*Aruan Tribe
*Ashaninka Tribe
*Atruahi Tribe
*Bakairi Tribe
*Baniva Tribe
*Baniwa Tribe
*Bare Tribe
*Baure Tribe
*Cahuarana Tribe
*Capanahua Tribe
*Cara Tribe
*Cashibo Tribe
*Cashinahua Tribe
*Chamicuro Tribe
*Chayahuita Tribe
*Duit Tribe
*Guarani Tribe
*Guarequena Tribe
*Hixkaryana Tribe
*Huachipaeri Tribe
*Huambisa Tribe
*Huarayo Tribe
*Irantxe Tribe
*Jebero Tribe
*Kandoshi Tribe
*Kankuamo Tribe
*Katukina Tribe
*Kaxarari Tribe
*Kaxuiana Tribe
*Kuikuro Tribe
*Machiguenga Tribe
*Mandawaka Tribe
*Maquiritari Tribe
*Marubo Tribe
*Matipuhy Tribe
*Matis Tribe
*Mayoruna Tribe
*Meinaku Tribe
*Movima Tribe
*Munduruku Tribe
*Muniche Tribe
*Nutabe Tribe
*Palikur Tribe
*Paresi Tribe
*Pasto Tribe
*Poyanawa Tribe
*Saluma Tribe
*Sharanahua Tribe
*Shipibo Tribe
*Shuar Tribe
*Sikiana Tribe
*Tacana Tribe
*Tubarão Tribe
*Tuxinawa Tribe
*Txikao Tribe
*Urarina Tribe
*Vilela Tribe
*Waiwai Tribe
*Wapishana Tribe
*Waraiku Tribe
*Warao Tribe
*Waura Tribe
*Wayana Tribe
*Wirina Tribe
*Xipaya Tribe
*Xiriana Tribe
*Yabaana Tribe
*Yabarana Tribe
*Yaminawa Tribe
*Yaruma Tribe
*Yawalpiti Tribe
*Yawanawa Tribe

Recommended books about Native American tribes of the Amazon:

*The Amazon Languages: Great overview of the Native American language families of the Amazonian culture area.
*Handbook of Amazonian Languages: A thorough survey of Amazonian Indian languages.
*Language of the Brazilian Rainforest: A thorough survey of Amazonian Indian languages.
*The Amazonian Indians: Illustrated book for kids on Amazonian Indian culture.
*Amazonian Indians from Prehistory to the Present: Anthropology book overviewing Amazon Indian civilizations.
*Through Amazonian Eyes: Book on the ecology of Amazonian tribes.
*Amazonian Ethnobotanical Dictionary: Book on the traditional medicines and herbs of native Amazonia.
*Some Other Amazonians: Perspectives On Modern Amazonia: Book on contemporary Amazonian societies.

Other resources about American Indian history, culture and society in the Amazon rainforest:

Amazon Indians: Essays and photography by an ecologist who works with Peruvian Amazon tribes.
Indigenous Peoples in Brazil: Articles and photographs about dozens of tribes of the Amazon jungle, in Portuguese and English.
Indigenous Tribes of the Amazon: Photo gallery of Amazonian Indian people.
Map of Languages in Amazonia: Language maps from the Amazon and Orinoco Basins.
Shamans of the Amazon: Pictures and descriptions of native Amazonian religious rituals from a documentary about an Ecuadorian shaman.

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